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Blue to Blue

3/20 (March 20)

New Work, Capitol Hill, Drama, Elements of Magic, Traditional Seating, Under $20


What do you do when your mother dies, your father decides to mail you box after random box of her things, and Emily Dickinson poems begin appearing in everyone’s pockets? If you’re Beryl, you head to your job at the coffin-making shop and look for guidance from the two-person Greek chorus that now accompanies your changed life. Unfolding over three days in the 1990s and set in the ancient neighborhood of grief, Blue to Blue presents the timeless search for solace after loss and the unexpected ways it arrives.

In A Nutshell

Fun Fact(s)


Tickets are sliding scale, starting at $5.

Upcoming Dates

March 20th - April 12th

Producing Organization

Annex Theatre


Annex Theatre

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